What a gripping episode! With this we almost clear about Mimi, Papikana and Salt’s past and the show sets things up nicely for a final showdown. For a show that have always been light on plot progression, this episode took me by surprise how neat every single variable develops, from what happened in the past that lead up to the characters as they are now, the twists and turns of this Mimi/Papika villain and the ultimate approach on the identity and individuality theme again. In a nutshell, Flip Flappers is a show about adolescent and self-doubting when growing up, and it’s only fitting now that Cocona’s identity is again swapped by her mother Mimi, even Mimi herself seems to be possessed by her darker side. Even the show goes all-out with the theme, as at one time Mimi makes it clearly: “People have several faces, and they’re all true” and that optical illusions we see in the screenshot there.
This episode sure is a stunner. The visual again is wild and crazy and stand out but at the same time it actually elevates the theme and the development of our characters. I mean, how impressive is that to witness Mimi killed off the guards by planting flowers all over their body; and that flowers were the ones we seen on the first time Papika recalled Mimi? Flip Flappers always has that dreamy side of them, and even in the episode that doesn’t feature any Pure Illusion world like this one, that quality still sticks out a mile. This episode jumps freely between the present and the past, between what happen in real “life” to inside the consciousness and then mix them all up together, but we never feel any sense of lost because the themes are progress gradually and the emotions are all there. This episode is also an emotionally charged one as we here to see every single one of them proceed to losing their minds. Cocona losing herself is nothing anew, but even Mimi’s losing it and Papika is starting to (Well, technically, she did lose her mind before but this is another kind of screwing her mind).
But I’m also happy that heaps of things have been clarified after this episode. Now we know that Papika is indeed reverted back to her kid form with her memories “sealed” away (I prefer her kid version much better than her adult counterpart). In one of the Pure Illusion world, they “accidentally” modified something inside Dr.Salt’s father subconsciousness, as a result he became even more overly obsessed to the possibilities of Pure Illusion. The show doesn’t confirm though on how Cocona was born, so at least for now I ain’t buying it that Salt were her father. I love that the cult organization turn out to be completely useless and easily disposable (a true red herring) because I always feel their roles in the story to be very vague and weak, so it’s better not to give them any significant role in the climax at all. Most importantly it is now confirmed that the Pure Illusion is linked to each individual’s consciousness (We all guessed it but it’s always nice to get a confirmation), but that also means the last Pure Illusion world they gathered (episode 9) was Yayaka’s? Hard to tell but consider she got a major development that week, it’s safe to assume it was hers.
But what really wow me over is how this episode a natural progression of everything that come before. Many of those elements had been hinted well in previous episodes and now they take a massive payback. We saw Cocona as a villain way before in episode 3, brainwashed by the insecurity of herself (also, did everyone see the masks the scientists put on the girls a resemblance of Cocona’s evil mask?). We see that thing wrapped up Papika’s ankle before but now we know what its main purpose is. We witness how Cocona and Papika could change a person’s mind through their trip to the Pure Illusion, so the reveal that Mimi and Papika did the same to Salt’s dad feel like an appropriate step. We see the garden of Mimi and the gang hang out and enjoyed their times before, so when Mimi uses that lethal floral as her weapon, it’s again a nice development. We get a sense that the first Pure Illusion world was the representation of Cocona, so it feels only right that she feels at home with that world. We also know that only Yayaka and Papika see Cocona as who she truly is, so it makes a lot of sense that they are the one who will bring the real Cocona out. Flip Flappers is the show that knows how to use its creative visuals right, as those motifs not only hinder the characteristics of our characters, but also a way to signal the character’s progression as well.
Frankly this episode exceeded my already impossibly high expectation as it consistently topped itself week after week. I heard this show isn’t sell well at all, which is a real crying shame because sometimes anime need shows like this: creative, inventive and willing to let itself loose to bring something fresh instead of sticking to the well-worn formula but also never forgets to be fun. Count me in as one of its fan now.
The post Flip Flappers – 11 [Pure Storage] appeared first on Star Crossed Anime Blog.