Well, we don’t normally do this, but considering that now we have 5 active writers for the site, I think it’s fair to make a formal post about who covering what for the new season. This should be a normal practice from now on and traditionally (because traditions have to start somewhere), this post will come after our last “First Impressions” post. Without further ado, here’s our schedule for the 2017 Fall season:
AidanAK47: Kino no Tabi, Dies Irae, Fate/Apocrypha (carry-over)
Mario: Houseki no Kuni, Girls’ Last Tour, Juuni Taisen
Lenlo: Mahoutsukai no Yome, Inuyashiki, (Shokugeki no Souma 3) (note: Lenlo might do a bi-weekly post on Souma. Or not)
Wooper: 3-gatsu no Lion 2, Ballroom e Youkoso (carry-over), Space Battleship Yamato 2202 (OVA)
Helghast Killzone: TBA
We’re all delighted with our choices here. The only show that I regret to not blogging is Children of the Whales, but that further demonstrate how this Fall season is an embarrassment of riches. Another note is that Wooper will take over my coverage of 3-gatsu, consider he’s even a bigger fan of the series than mine. Not that I think you guys will miss my 3-gatsu coverage that much but rest assured that the show will be in good hands coming forward. As for me, I am working on a project right now so make sure to check back in few weeks. I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed.
Here’s hoping for a new great season of anime. Thank you, folks.
The post Fall 2017 Anime Coverage appeared first on Star Crossed Anime Blog.